Wonderlit Read
Designed to inculcate a love for the written word through in-depth phonics instruction and literary appreciation, turning reading into a breeze and an absolute joy for our students.
Wonderlit Read+
Tailored to instil a genuine love for reading together with the mastery of grammar, vocabulary and comprehension while developing confident users of the
English Language.
Wonderlit Write
Developed to inspire a lifelong passion for creative writing in our students through explorations into a wide range of literary and non-fictional texts, nurturing an expressive new generation of young writers.
Wonderlit Speak
Curated to develop our students’ voice and speech quality and enhance their ability to engage in public speaking and formal conversations (topics-based or stimulus-based), presenting their thoughts authentically and cohesively.
Wonderlit Perform
Created to bring the essence of stage acting to our students, giving them the opportunity to experience performing while building speech quality, confidence and empathy.
Wonderlit Coach
Tailored for our students seeking targeted or additional mentoring, whether in reading, writing or speaking, or for specific school enrolment or interview preparation, pathing their way to a stellar performance.
Wonderlit Boost
Watch this space!
Wonderlit Oral Prep
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Featured Programme
Featured Programme
Reading Comprehension
Creative Thinking