Middle Primary
Age: 9–10 years old
Class Size: 10 maximum
Class Duration: 1 hour 45 mins
In the Write Middle Primary programme, we will advance our students to constructing complex sentences and incorporating precise vocabulary as they explore more challenging genres, particularly those relevant to school examination preparation. Our aim is to build our students’ confidence in expressing their diverse and unique voices creatively and effectively, while enhancing their awareness of audience reception and excelling in their writing assignments and examinations.
Each term, our students will be guided through various writing techniques and literary devices across different genres, with specific attention to those that align with exam-related tasks. At the beginning of each term, they will engage with mentor texts that exemplify the literary genres they are studying, encouraging them to focus on nuance and connotation.
Throughout the term, our students will have the opportunity to critically analyse and refine their writing skills, concentrating on the specific requirements of exam-related genres. This process includes reflecting on and editing their work, which will help them further develop their writing voice and linguistic capabilities while acquiring invaluable literary and language skills.